Bladder leakage and bad habits


Constantly weeing disturbs the connection pattern between the bladder and the brain. Generally, we should hold approx 500ml of urine before needing to wee. When the bladder is ‘full’ the brain gets a signal that you need to pee, and so then you should empty your 500ml and start again.

Too many ‘just in case’ wees confuses this pattern, and the brain can be getting signals that your bladder is full when it is actually not.

On average we should empty around 8 times per day. If you do this before midday then Houston, we have a problem!

We have all been told it’s not good to hold your wees, and this is true IF your bladder is FULL.

If your brain and your bladder can’t communicate properly, it can be more difficult to avoid bladder leakage – especially if your bladder actually is full.

So how do you know? Measure your intake of fluids, and measure your output of urine in 24 hours. Yes with a measuring cup, and a bladder diary. An ultrasound with a before and after pee can also shed some light.

If you find out you are peeing prematurely, try holding it and using breathing and different positions to pass the false urge until you are actually due for a pee. You should also get tested for a UTI and if problems persist, be persistent with your doctors until you get answers. There are tests they can run for you to look deeper.